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  • Writer's pictureRatna Srivastava

Is Our Brain Like a Horse?

The horse is not the only one who needs training; the rider needs a training as well, or we don’t know who is controlling whom.

Let's imagine you're riding a horse. Do you see the quick passing of the scenes? Do you feel the wind in your hair? The grip on your reins, the giddy speed of the powerful gallops of your beautiful beast under your saddle? You do? Good!

Now replace this horse with your brain. But then, if your brain is a horse then who's riding it? You? No. Your mind is riding the horse. With what is your mind riding the brain? Learning, education, training, discipline are the riding accessories, the stirrups, bridle, saddle, shoe, reins, and all.

This is the relationship between brain, mind and education. Brain is the powerful beast that can do wonders only if it is directed/controlled/trained/used properly. The mind is the master of the brain but depending on how well the mind itself has been trained to think and act, the mind will either control the horse to perform wonders or let the horse control it (mind) and run haywire. The horse is not the only one who needs training; the rider needs a training as well, or we don't know who is controlling whom.

Do you get the picture now?

You can ride a horse to win your battles, races (exceptional/ methodical/ systematic/ enhanced use of brain), do common house hold errands with it, draw your regular cart (average use of brain) or leave it languishing in your stable without putting it to any actual use (not using brain). What you do with your horse and how you use it, is a matter of your choice, preference, will, need, ability and talent.

You can of course use your horse without riding accessories (uneducated but still use brains) but you jeopardise your ride quality, performance and outcome; with correct riding accessories (education/knowledge) you just ensure several times better use of your horse that remarkably increases your ease, expertise and efficiency.

One important thing to remember here is: Mind has precedence over brain. Brain is just an organ. Mind controls it. When mind doesn't control it, it gets controlled by brain to the point it cannot remember anymore who is the leader and who the follower.

Remarkable points of interest:

  1. Even the best of horses in the world needs discipline, exercise, a bridle, and a rider to bring out the best in it. (Which means even the most intelligent person out there may still require a bit of education and training to become better than what he already is. This is the importance of learning, education, thinking and training.)

  2. Who is riding your horse? Are you sure you are the only one who rides it? (People being mislead/ taken advantage of are an example of somebody else riding their horse.)

  3. This one is simple: the more you exercise your horse, the better and better it becomes. Leave it chewing the hay in the stall and it will have trouble crossing even a puddle. (This means: the more you use your brains the better it becomes. You don't use it and it dulls down.)

  4. Even the best of horses needs a shoe, a bridle and saddle to become better than what it already does better than others. (That's the importance of training, exercise and discipline.)

  5. Horses in the wild don't need shoes. Domesticated horses cannot survive without shoes. Why? Wild horses run enough to wear their hooves down at the same rate as their hooves grow. (This can be equated with wise but uneducated people who have learnt to use their brains with experience and wisdom. Modern urban people cannot dream of existing without education.)

If you like you can replace the horse with a car. The answer stays the same.

But that's just my opinion. Thank you for reading.

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