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  • Writer's pictureRatna Srivastava

The Sad & Dirty Implications of Amber Heard’s Book

Will it be The Book of Truth or The Book of Lies? Or a book that glorifies abusers? You decide

First and foremost, a book written by Amber Heard means enabling an abuser convert his abusing, like a regular profession, into a lucrative business of churning out money, fans, social acceptance, even admiration and attention. What if all other abusers started doing this? Just like Issei Sagawa who cannibalised his friend then became a celebrity in Japan. Sick! Sick!!
Besides, how can it be a book of truth by someone who lives to tell lies? How would her readers ever know if ‘her telling’ is not just another ‘lie spin-off’?

All in all, a book by Amber Heard means that:

  1. She succeeds in keeping the drama, gossip and spotlight around herself alive and kicking. We all know this kind of publicity stunts. The book deal is itself one. The show world is cruel to people it forgets; so people do anything and everything to stick in the news.

  2. She gets full authority to throw shadows of doubt on truths, evidences and Johnny Depp all over again. And no court will be able to settle that, or keep settling that year after year.

  3. She will get to hide situations/evidences or explain them that suits her case best. That’s hardly ‘Tell all’. If anything it will be ‘Hide all’. I’m not sure how she is going to write the various assault scenes which have now been proven not to have happened.

  4. She gets to tell more lies. Brace up. Lying is her middle name, her first character.

  5. Through this book she gets to do what she does best: spinning lies, twisting the truth to what ‘she’ thinks is right, furnishing false informations, defaming others, expecting everyone to believe her, getting attention whichever way, making situations for herself even if it is injurious to others etc etc etc. She is notorious for drowning everyone while trying to save herself!

  6. We can expect a fair amount of dirt flung at Johnny. And perhaps everyone who supported him, including his family, friends and fans.

  7. She gets an unfair chance to paint herself a tragic victim of domestic abuse from a too powerful man/ a champion of women’s rights, women’s voice, fallen angel, a wronged-deeply misunderstood innocent human being/ a broken (or unbroken) woman broke by false defamation charges and evils of society who only listen to powerful men/ a hero or a martyr. The irony is every word of it is true- it is just not true of her.

  8. She gets another chance to spin her fantasy world where she is right and everyone else including courts, lawyers, police, judicial system, her family, friends are wrong. According to the devil’s principle: If you can’t tell the truth, confuse them.’ Five years from now, many new people diving into the case will never be able to decide who was right or wrong.

  9. It gives her a brilliant opportunity to tell everyone how much she loved Johnny Depp, how she suffered terrible terrible fate in the name of love, and continued to love him even after losing the Defamation trial. People are die hard romantics; many will be too ready to take her word for that. Her crimes will be forgotten, her lies will begin appearing as truths.

  10. This one turns me sick. Many people will read her book not because they wanted to read her tale but what fantastic/new/ outrageous lies she spun in it. That alone is likely to make her book a roaring success even if we all know that it is bereft of any truth, character, evidence and/or penmanship. But publishers want books that sell, not books that tell truths, so yeah, it is business for them. Don’t be too shocked if the publisher himself tells her to include more fantastic lies in it than her stupid mind is capable of.

People who are predicting that her career is finished aren’t taking current social trends in their Math. Far from finished, her career has just started and will likely rapidly take off owing to her marriage, divorce, Op-Ed and Defamation case with her naive illustrious husband Johnny Depp who lost six valuable years of his life because of her abuse. You know what? This is the real danger to #MeToo.

And that’s not just my opinion. Thank you for reading.


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